Hope you don’t have too many of those! Anyway, Zip and I were playing with some Yo Gabba Gabba stuffed toys. I was doing most of the work, being silly, and making funny noises with them. Zip had added “Sh” with his finger to his lips while giggling. Then he took the character’s hand and put it to it’s mouth while saying it. My heart be still – is that a little pretend play I’m seeing? <big grin>
It was a nice moment. Key to Me had worked with puppets with Zip and mentioned to me that he had participated some, but this was the first time I had seen it in action. So cute!
thoughts and updates on RDI and homeschooling my son
Monthly Archives: June 2012
I like how this article explains the fundamental RDI concept, guiding, so well and concisely.
Learning to Study
I have to admit that I didn’t learn to study until I went to college, and boy, was that a rude awakening! Thankfully, we’re not talking about hitting the books in our newest RDI objective. Instead, our consultant wants to see and hear about Zip studying what to do. This goes along with him beginning to recognize patterns. I need to start noticing when he thinks about a situation where he is not sure what to do.
Since RDI is so much about teaching our kids flexibility, they must learn about “safe uncertainty.” My son tries to control most situations because he does not feel safe with uncertainty. He also does not like new toys much. It’s kinda frustrating and not very fun. Continue reading