So sorry that I have not been posting as regularly as I would like. Life has quite gotten in the way. My mother and my dog have both not been well. My mother’s medications were changed and added to and she is doing much better. I cannot say the same for my dear, dear Moo. We are on our third round of medication for what seems to be a gastrointestinal problem but I am not seeing any improvement. We are devastated to watch our sweet and wonderful dog do so poorly. I feel quite helpless and I’ve been trying to be my normal optimistic self, but it is growing increasingly difficult. If he is not better on this new medicine tomorrow, we’ll be off the to the veterinarian again. I hope she will have another option that is feasible for a twelve year old dog, but I am not sure they will.
In other news, Zip is doing very well. He’s been responding somewhat to my attempts at conversation and trying and succeeding at doing some things independently. I’ve not been doing much “formal” RDI with him, but engaging and guide-thinking have become a large part of our lifestyle.
So sorry to hear about your Mum and also your dog. Glad that your Mum is okay….. although sad that your dog is still poorly (now that I have dogs, I understand how you feel!)
Sometimes life does take over, but that is okay! Go with the flow…..